Employment and unemployment: Unemployment: to be actively seeking job opportunities but unable to find work. Employment: to have a paid job, either part time or full time. Unemployment rate: Labor force: population of a nation that are either employed or unemployed (i.e seeking to work). Unemployment increases during recessions and falls during expansionary phases of the business cycle. Example: This graph represents the unemployment rate from 2008-2010. The shaded area indicates a period of recession, notice how sharply the unemployment rate increases over that period, the rate almost doubles. Look how over a period of economic expansion (2010-2017), the unemployment falls. It is even lower than at the start of the economic crisis in 2007. The unemployment rate is a very important (though not perfect) economic indicator, as it shows a degree of how a society is using its available resources. Shortcomings of the unemployment rate as an economic indicator: discourag...
This is a blog about concepts in Economics (specifically Macro and Micro economics) supplemented with empirical examples