Balance of payment is the sum of three separate accounts and must always be equal to 0 (given no statistical error): Current account: the net flow of funds exchanged for goods and services, and monetary gifts that flow in and out of a country. This is often used as an indicator for net export. Financial account: also known as the capital account, is the net flow of funds for investment in real assets (direct investments) or financial assets (stocks or bonds) into a nation. Official reserves: in order to balance the two accounts above, a country must have a reserve of foreign money. It measures the net effect of all money flows from the other accounts. If the current account is positive, it must be the case that the sum of the financial account and official reserves is negative. Current account (CA) components: Balance of trade in goods: spending by consumers and firms on imported and exported goods. Exported goods have a positive effect on the current account, whereas importe...
This is a blog about concepts in Economics (specifically Macro and Micro economics) supplemented with empirical examples