Definition of the term monopoly: A monopoly is a firm that is the only supplier of a unique good or service in a market. Monopoly markets have barriers to entry, which prevents other firms from entering the market and competing with the monopolistic firm. Since monopolies do not have to compete with other producers, they have a strong influence over the price and quantity in their markets, only limited by consumer's demand. Factors that cause monopoly power: Geography; a remote and isolated area might only have one grocery store. Because the store lacks competition, it is able to charge significantly higher price for its produce than stores that face competition. Government monopoly; when the government entirely provides a good or service. For example, a local government might decide to have a public trash collection service. Natural monopoly: it exists if and only if a firm experiences extreme economies of scale and is able to serve the market more cheaply than any other firm...
This is a blog about concepts in Economics (specifically Macro and Micro economics) supplemented with empirical examples