Production possibilities curve (PPC): an economic model that depicts the trade-off an individual agent, or a country has when it allocates its resources between two goods or services. PPC models scarcity because only a specific amount of the two goods can be produced and consumed at any point on the curve. A country, or individual can produce/ consume efficiently if they are on the curve. They can produce and consume anywhere inside its PPC, but they would be under utilizing their resources. PPC models opportunity cost, by showing how much one good must be given up in order to produce one additional unit of the other good. An individual PPC: The PPC below shows the relationship between the amount of time spent on relaxing and working in a day. At point A, the individual is willing work 5 hours and relax for 19 hours. This choice involves an opportunity cost which is the benefit she would have gained by working more and relaxing less (and vice versa...). At point B, the individual i...
This is a blog about concepts in Economics (specifically Macro and Micro economics) supplemented with empirical examples